Newness is All You Need – It is far too common for people to flee this present moment for yesterday or tomorrow, dreaming of a different time and place that they would rather be in. How did this result come about? In a sense, ghosts are those individuals who are alive, but who are living in a different time at the moment than when they were alive.
There is always something missing from their lives; they are never fully seen by or appreciated by their loved ones; they are never given the bounty of the universe to give them; they are dissipated and not included in the Roll Call of Now. We cannot continue to make this mistake of being so absent in our day, at this moment, and let us avoid doing so in the future.
The fact that we have been absent does not need to make us feel ashamed, and we must not be bitter towards those who have been absent from us when we have been absent. Despite the fact that we have missed out on a few moments, it is impossible to undo them. Our lack of presence yesterday with those who matter to us and who leads us is over. Those moments will not be repeated, no matter how much we hope to entangle them with our heartache in the future. We missed what we should have missed.
Newness is All You Need - It is far too common for people to flee this present moment for yesterday or tomorrow, dreaming of a different time and place that they would rather be in.
Newness is All You Need – It is far too common for people to flee this present moment for yesterday or tomorrow, dreaming of a different time and place that they would rather be in. Source
Don’t add the weight of sadness to your shoulders right now. I don’t think there is anything further that we can add to yesterday, and I don’t think there is anything that we should attach to what we did or did not do, for all those events are just in our minds now, just like the stories we have in our minds.
Neither should we harbor any bitterness toward others, since over time, we are likely to experience the same sense of disconnection they are experiencing, and by condemning them we are likely to condemn ourselves as well. In the opinion of some people, we didn’t need them as much as we needed them. A few of them didn’t give a damn. As of right now, it doesn’t matter what happens.
In the end, it comes down to what is before us right now, and what we choose to do with it, to live it, define it, and experience it as we see fit. There is no scent of yesterday today, which means that we can breathe deeply and notice there is no hint of yesterday.
Currently, there is nothing but newness, a white space, nothing but an open field of possibilities that are just waiting to be felt and explored at the moment we stand. Then let us meet it with a loving and skilled intention, and let us explore it slowly and with love as we get to know it.
Read More – The Clock is Ticking


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