Don’t blink your eyes guys, A beautiful rare Snubfin Dolphin has been spotted smiling playing, and jumping out of the water off the coast in Queensland. Emma Schmidt, a ranger for Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, said she saw the rare mammal frolicking with a pod of around 10 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins.
I immediately took a photo of the “smiling” dolphin off Hinchinbrook Island, south of Cairns, and nicknamed him snubby. This is indeed a very rare photo. So this photo was just pure luck, though we were heading to Sunken Reef Bay. I saw a pod of about 10 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and between them was this cute little snubby.
It was frolicking and mucking around jumping out of the water and in the photograph, it looks like its smiling. I’ve been working in this area for twelve years, but have only spotted the infrequent mammals twice.
Ms. Schmidt revealed the Hinchinbrook Channel was a “snubfin” pod hotspot because of the sheltered inshore waters. Therefore, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service posted a photo of the mammal on its Facebook page, saying: “Don’t blink” it’s a rare Australian snubfin dolphin “Orcaella heinsohni”.
Ranger Emma just spotted a little Snubfin Dolphin here taking a relaxed backstroke off Hinchinbrook Island National Park. Does anyone know anything about these defiant cetaceans? The highly social dolphins can only be found in the waters off northern Australia as far south as the Gladstone region in Queensland.
Even, they can grow to between 1.5m and 2.7m in length and vary in color from brownish-grey to pale white.
Also, See Mythical Pink Dolphin
Snubfin dolphins have a very blunted, round head and they take their name from their small, triangular snubby dorsal fin. They live in minor populations of stuck between 50 to 100 individuals. Also, Read! Dragon Blood Tree
Also, see Wonderful Dolphin Photo Taken by Matt Hutton