For many centuries Dandelion Herbs Benefits are unlimited to every human being. Dandelion Herbs are also known as Taraxacum spp., is a flowering plant that is widely grown in different parts of the world.
The bitter taste of dandelion leaves is a clue to their usefulness, and in fact, they have a long-standing reputation in the treatment of liver problems, blood tonic, and skin toner. Dandelion juice, squeezed from the yellowish-white roots of the dandelion, was a staple in every herbalist’s and apothecary’s shop for centuries.
It was a tonic to the digestive, circulation tonic, and urinary system, as well as to general health, and especially recommended for cases of jaundice. Dandelion also acts as a gentle but highly effective diuretic, helping the body eliminate uric acid, excess cholesterol and urea, and supplying enough potassium to compensate for the amount lost in the process.

A bitter tonic to the digestion, its action on the liver is remarkable: extract of dandelion will double or triple the output of bile in half an hour. Like many plants, too, it appears to have useful antibiotic activity. Kitty Campion notes that in China fresh dandelion juice extracts are used to treat infections of the respiratory system, urinary tract, and pancreas, as well as lingering post-operative infections.
Aqueous extracts of dandelion have also been shown in Japanese studies to have antitumor activity. These qualities explain its reputation as a blood-cleanser and its usefulness in toxic or inflammatory conditions of skin or joints. This anti-inflammatory action has been confirmed in animal studies.

The leaves have much the same action as the root, though in the milder form: they are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, beta-carotene, and chlorophyll vitamin C, and they have more iron than spinach. In France the leaves star in a well-known salad, in which they are tossed with bits of frizzled bacon in a mild olive oil. Add the young leaves and the older leaves are too bitter to any mixed green salad.

Dandelion salads should be on the menu for those suffering from skin or joint issues, fatigue, circulatory disorders, or cancer. And if ordinary coffee keeps you awake shop around in the health food stores until you find a coffee substitute made from roasted ground dandelion roots which will actually help promote a restful sleep by assisting your digestive system.
The French people also called it “Pee the Bed” used for some commercial products. Dandelion Herbs benefits are far more than kale or spinach. Moreover, the best is to eat leaves of a raw dandelion when they are fresh. However, as time passes, the leaves get more and more bitter. However, still edible if you blanch them properly.