The last photo has ever been taken of Hachiko Dog who waited for 9 years after the death of his master outside the train station every morning until he himself passed away in the 1920s. That’s why it is famous among people that dogs are best friends and they’re more loyal than humans.
The Hachiko the Dog loved his owner Eizaburo Ueno, who was a professor in agriculture science at Tokyo University. He had nourished his dog for a long time, eventually grew, and became best friends. Their love and affections were completely inseparable as he loved his dog above all and catered to him like a son. During this time, Hachiko sees his owner off to work in the morning at the Shibuya Train Station in Tokyo and went to take him back to the station every day.
After one bad day, on 21st May 1925, his owner Eizaburo suffered a severe cerebral hemorrhage and died instantly at the workplace. The dog on to the station to pick up his owner, but he didn’t show him. So, after that every morning and afternoon he went to the station and sat for several hours patiently waiting for his owner. His all efforts went in vain because his owner never came back again.
It’s really sad, but love and respect him. Because something to be learned about love and loyalty in this sad story. I have seen such stories in movies but it is wonderful and you can’t watch them without crying. That was the most beautiful, moving story. His complete and utter loyalty and devotion, day, month, year in and out, waiting patiently for his beloved master. In Japan, there have been many movies made about him.
I am sure you be in tears after reading his story. In 1934 a statue of Hachiko the Dog was unveiled at a massive ceremony in front of Shibuya train station with Hachiko himself present as the main guest. His amazing story touched the hearts of the Japanese and later or sooner he became their hero and called him Chuken-Hachiko, which means Hachiko! the faithful dog.
Read More  Sad Story of Stuckie The Mummified Dog