Chrysanthemum, sometimes called “mums” or “chrysanths”, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. So, they’re countless horticultural varieties and cultivars.
The familiar garden “mum” comes in several shapes. From small pompons the size of a dime to huge “Spiders”. Few are beautifully shaped just like daisies, some, even called “Spoons, are nests of little spoon-shaped petals.
The most familiar are the large, round ones with several petals. Which are classified as “Decorative” mums, and easy to grow as well. Cushion Mums grow up to 15 inches tall. Moreover, colors include everything but blue, and heights range from less than a foot tall to four feet. Several other Chrysanthemum species are also popular garden plants. Most start blooming in late summer and continue through fall. Hence, try-cold hardy types such as the Cheyenne series in cold climates.
Therefore, hybrids of many other Chrysanthemum species are popular garden flowers. Because the painted daisy (called Pyrethrum Roseum, C. coccineum or . roseum) has flowers in shades of red, pink, lavender, and white, grows one to three-foot-tall and blooms from early summer to fall, making it a gorgeous garden plant. Although the plant is short-lived in some climates, it will self-sow. C. X rubellum ‘Clara Curtis’ has pink flowers on one to two-foot stems in mid and late summer.
Moreover, to grow Chrysanthemum in cold climates “mums” are often treated as annuals. Though if you want to try wintering them over, dig them up in l and put them in a protected place such as a cold frame. Or try mulching them with evergreen boughs. Thus, divide them in spring or fall in warm climates discarding the centers of the clumps and replanting the side shoots.
Therefore, pinch until early summer to get bushy plants and abundant fall flowers. Give fertile soil and cut back spent flowers to encourage bloom. Feverfew will tolerate light shade; the other species are sun-loving. Give all Chrysanthemum species moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil.
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