What is the importance of sand and cement in construction?
The construction industry has changed very much in the last few decades. Now the construction material can even be brought through a delivery service. The biggest change was that there was a major shift towards using concrete as the primary building material instead of bricks, wood, or any other types of materials. This trend started around the 19th century when engineers discovered how to make cement stronger than it ever had been before. No one can deny the importance of sand and cement in construction.
Sand is a material that helps in bonding, while cement acts as a binding agent for concrete. Cement also helps in improving the strength and durability of any type of construction material, such as bricks, tiles, concrete blocks, etc., which makes it an indispensable part of any building project like houses, malls, and even street lighting.
It is important to mix your sand and cement in the right proportion for your walls to be as strong as possible. When there is not enough heat during the drying-out process, you will end up with weak foundations because too much water leads to excessive shrinkage. Construction work using low-quality materials could lead to costly repairs in the future if something goes wrong.
The mixing ratio should always be at least 30% (by volume), because if this value falls below 20%, then there could be problems related to
We may not be able to imagine a world without concrete
You may not be able to imagine a world without concrete. Concrete is an extremely useful material, and it can be used for many purposes in our lives. It’s not just for construction anymore. Concrete is also used in the following areas:
Road construction (for example, highways)
Bridges and dams