Bosnian Artists Create Stunning Sculptures from Pencil Tips – Almost all artists use different tools, but Bosnian sculptor Jasenko Đorđević turns tools into art. Jasenko Dordevi (Born in Tulza, Bosnia,) is fancy about drawing miniatures since he was a child. When he grew up, his passion gets more motivation and as an adult leading he developed an unbelievable craft of carving difficult sculptures from unusual material graphite or “Black Lead”.
He uses an X-acto knife and tiny chisel to carve detailed pencil-tip sculptures and transforms the tips of pencils into small works of art, depicting different things like flowers, animals, and portraits, all of which have to be magnified to completely appreciate the minute details.
He was mainly inspired to carve pencils after seeing the work of Dalton Ghetti, and his result resembles something made from stone or charred wood. To craft these awe-inspiring works, with these simple sculpting tools he creates their overall form, implies texture, and even carves tiny words into the thin stick of graphite. He said it is hard and fragile at the same time.
One I have to be very careful when working with a black lead, as the smallest lack of attention can lead to its cracking. His skillful handling makes the illusion that these artworks were made from another material. Moreover, the graphite resembles a dark, hard stone, and from up close, you might never know they are well composed of something quite as simple as an ordinary pencil.