
Grey Honeyeater (Conopophila whitei)

A lesser-known bird in Australia, the Grey Honeyeater (Conopophila whitei) is most often overlooked.  Western central Australia's mulga belt is home to this honeyeater. It belongs to the honeyeater...

Red-vented bulbul Call

The red-vented bulbul call consists of a variety of chirps and whistles and is highly vocal, as most...

House Sparrow Call and Facts

Call/Voice/Sound/Song House sparrow call consists of various chirping calls. Typical are a strong ‘cheee-ep’, a looser ‘chissick’ and a...

Pink Robin (Petroica rodinogaster)

The pink robin (Petroica rodinogaster) is a small, brightly colored passerine native to Southeastern Australia. A cool temperate...

Meet Thor’s The Bangal Cat

Thor The Bangal Cat is one of the lovely felines that look right into your soul and beyond....

How to Practice Forgiveness in Life?

How to Practice Forgiveness in Life with Difficult and Unforgiving Realities? The truth is, forgiveness is not always easy, but it is possible. Everyone...