Mysterious Things

The Petrified Waterfalls of Hierve el Agua

One of the most eye-catching natural attractions in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Hierve el Agua provides an unusual and off-the-beaten-path travel experience. It’s a top ecotourism destination in...

Thick Fleshy Leaves Creeping Sedums Plants

Sedums, also known as stonecrops,  are succulents with thick, fleshy leaves filled with water. There are an enormous...

The Beautiful Acrobatic Blue and Great Tits

Acrobatic blue and Great Tits The colorful, agile little Blue and Great Tits which frequent our gardens in the...

Psychotria Elata aka Hooker’s Lips: The Kissable Flower

Wow, you might be never seeing this plant in your life. Because this is the most elegant pair...

Red-kneed Dotterel (Erythrogonys cinctus)

Habitats: The Red-kneed Dotterels (Erythrogonys cinctus) live on the inundated muds of temporary flood lands inland. They are...

Incan Girl Who Had Been Frozen For 500 Years

Incan Girl Who Had Been Frozen For 500 Years - Well initially this might look to you like any normal girl being treated by...

The Amazing Tree Pouring Water in Montenegro

The first question comes to our mind why is the Tree Pouring Water in Montenegro? A unique natural phenomenal video was shared by Radio...

Mysterious Shadowy Figure, Resembles “The Iron Giant Robot”

Mysterious Shadowy Figure, Resembles “The Iron Giant Robot” - A plane passenger captures a mysterious shadowy picture, which resembles the Iron Giant robot, walking...

Mysterious 800-year-old mobile phone was left behind by ALIENS

According to the latest absurd claims of conspiracy theorists says, an ‘800-year-old mobile phone was left behind by ALIENS in Austria. It seems very...

Bigelow Ranch – The Strangest Place on Earth

Bigelow Ranch is probably the strangest place on earth, previously recognized as “Skinwalker Ranch”, “Gorman Ranch”, “Haunted Ranch”, and “Sherman Ranch”. It’s a mysterious...

The Mysterious Big Circles of Jordan

The Mysterious Big Circles of Jordan - Ancient stone rings in the desert have left archaeologists puzzled which are scattered across Jordan are 12...

Giant 3,000-year-Old Statue of Pharaoh Ramses II Found in Cairo

Garman and Egyptian archaeologists found a giant 3000-year-old statue of Pharaoh Ramses II submerged in ground water in Cairo slum, which is hailed as...

The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument erected in 1980 in Georgia, the highest point in Elbert County, approximately 90 miles east of Atlanta...

The Mystery of Fairy Circles of the Namib Desert

Fairy Circles of the Namib Desert - There are strange and mysterious patches in the grasslands of the Namib Desert called “Fairy Circles” in...

Deadly Lake Water Turns Birds Into Stone

Deadly Lake Water Turns Birds Into Stone. Tanzania's Lake Natron actually a mix of chemicals and it contains mainly sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and...