
Chowchilla (Orthonyx spaldingii)

In the mountain and valley rainforests of northeastern Queensland, Chowchillas (Orthonyx spaldingii) chatter at dawn and dusk, and occasionally during the day. Group members often sing sequentially, with the...

How to Grow Peas?

As a farmer, you often think about How to Grow Peas? In this article, you would know complete...

World’s First Ocean Cleaning System

The world’s first Ocean Cleaning System will be launched in Japan. Boyan Slat, a 20-year-old creative mind Dutch...

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris)

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris) belongs to the Acanthizidae family. The species is endemic to Australia. Mulga woodlands of...

Coral Reef Destruction from Human Activities

Reefs are very fragile underwater ecosystems and environments that cannot tolerate a wide range of conditions. Turbidity, temperature,...

Eastern phoebe Song

The Eastern Phoebe song is a raspy, two-part sound that gives them their name: "fee-bee." It lasts about half a second. The bird song...

Great Sapphirewing (Pterophanes cyanopterus)

The great sapphirewing (Pterophanes cyanopterus) is a species of a large, broad-tailed hummingbird in the family Trochilidae. Identification: This shimmering emerald species is named for...

Dusky Gerygone – One of the Largest and Least Known Australian Gerygone

Dusky Gerygone (Gerygone tenebrosa) is the largest and least known Australian gerygone. It is limited to mangrove groves and shrubbery. In this habitat, Dusky...

Spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus)

DESCRIPTION: - The spotted pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus) is one of the most colorful and smallest birds in Australia, just 3.1 to 3.9 in (8...

Red-browed Treecreeper (Climacteris erythrops)

The cool, tall Eucalypt forests along the Great Dividing Range and southeast coast are the core habitat of the Red-browed Treecreeper (Climacteris erythrops). It...

Lazuline Sabrewing (Campylopterus falcatus)

Identification: The Lazuline sabrewing (Campylopterus falcatus) male is a large hummingbird that has a shining green back and head, with a shining, dark blue-purple...

Double-barred Finch: A Feathered Jewel of Australia

Double-barred finch (Stizoptera bichenovii) is widespread in the better-watered grassy woodlands of northern and eastern Australia. It is also known as Black-rumped Double-bar, Banded...

Forty-spotted Pardalote: The Rarest Bird in Australia

Well, the extinction may be facing the Forty-spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus), which is found only in Tasmania. It is also named Tasmanian Diamond Bird...

World’s Most Beautiful Bird Resplendent Quetzal

The Resplendent Quetzal is considered the world's most beautiful bird. It is mostly found in vibrantly colored living in the mountainous, tropical forests of...

Mistletoebird: A Hidden Gem in the Bird World

The lives of the Mistletoebird and mistletoes are inextricably linked. The bird mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum) is Australia's only member of a widespread tropical family...