
World’s Most Beautiful Bird Resplendent Quetzal

The Resplendent Quetzal is considered the world's most beautiful bird. It is mostly found in vibrantly colored living in the mountainous, tropical forests of Central America. The bird prefers...

Brush Wattlebird (Anthochaera chrysoptera)

Habitat: The beautiful brush wattlebird (Anthochaera chrysoptera) lacks the wattles that characterize other members of the genus. On...

Black-faced Woodswallow (Artamus cinereus)

Like other wood swallows, the Black-faced Woodswallow (Artamus cinereus) captures aerial insects. The bird is also known as...

Red-Tailed Hawk (buteo hawks)

The Red-tailed Hawk Facts The family Accipitridae includes most birds of prey except falcons, owls, and American vultures. Buteo...

Intermediate Egret (Ardea interrnedia)

Family: The Intermediate Egret (Ardea interrnedia) is a member of the heron family Ardeidae in the genus Ardea....

How to Grow Pulmonaria Plant

Pulmonaria plant used to be called “lungwort. Its spotted leaves resembled diseased lungs and, in the homeopathic tradition of folk medicine, were thus supposed...

Red Clover-Trifolium Pratense

Red Clover-Trifolium Pratense is commonly found throughout the northern hemisphere. It is also found in Western Asia, Europe, and Northwest Africa. However, it has...

How to Grow Pink Dianthus in Garden

Pink Dianthus flowers are often pink but are sometimes shades of red or white. Sometimes Dianthus are marked with several colors. Some are shaped...

Salvia – A Long Lasting Flower

Salvia! comes in different color Long Lasting Flower. Of a number of salvias is grown in the garden blue salvia, or mealy-cup stage.

Why I adore dahlias Like No Other Flowers

We must do this at the beginning. Dahlias aren't the only flowers; I love them. They're simply dazzling and stunning. Dahlias have a certain...

Dahlia – Comes in Endless Flower Classification

Dahlia is one of those plants with endless flower classifications. Some are single, like daisies. Some are like round balls others are “Cactus-Flowered”, “Orchid-Flower”...

Portulaca Gandiflora – The Rock Garden Plant

Portulaca Gandiflora is often thought of as rock garden plants because they do so well in that setting. They are tender annuals with succulent,...

Pansy or Viola Tricolor Hortensis

The garden pansy is a type of large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. It is derived by hybridization from more than a...

How to Grow Petunia?

Petunias are half-hardy annuals and are related to the potato and other members of the nightshade family. Their familiar trumpet-shaped flowers come in several...

Forget-Me-Not or Myosotis Sylvatica Flower

Hardy biennials are often grown as hardy annuals, forget-me-nots or Myosotis Sylvatica Flower are typically bright blue but sometimes pink or white. Usually no...