
Crocus Flower – Most Favorite Among Flower Lovers

Well, of all the small spring bulbs the Crocus Flower is the favorite among flower lovers. It is not the earliest to bloom, but when it does, often pokes...

The Majestic Sygmond Grey Cat

In the world of cats and their coats, the color 'blue' refers to a cat with a gray...

The Spectacular Pink Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri)

The stunning Pink Cockatoo and its delicate pink tones suffusing its plumage, particularly under the wings in flight,...

Yellow-billed Kingfisher (Syma torotoro)

Yellow-billed Kingfisher is a medium-size tree kingfisher. The tropical haunts of this least known of Australian kingfishers are...

Mangrove Fantail (Rhipidura phasiana)

Family: Mangrove Fantail (Rhipidura phasiana) is replacing the Grey Fantail in the mangroves of northwestern Australia. It belongs...

Jonathan – The World’s Oldest Tortoise

The world's oldest tortoise is starting over with a clean sheet at 184 years old and enjoying his first-ever bath. The tortoise named Jonathan...

Aquilegia Flowers: Nature’s Most Underrated Blooms

The Aquilegia flowers and leaves of columbines have a dainty, airy quality. Several flowers have long spurs, and they come in every color. Including...

The Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis)

In the right terms, "Sialia" is the Latinized, neuter plural version of the Greek word sialis, a noun meaning a "kind of bird." The...

Noisy Scrubbird (Atrichornis clamosus)

The Noisy scrubbird (Atrichornis clamosus) is a terrestrial bird, that spends most of its time on or close to the ground in the dense...

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris)

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris) belongs to the Acanthizidae family. The species is endemic to Australia. Mulga woodlands of central-western Australia are home to this...

Secrets of the Seashore

From dramatic wave-battered rocky shores to gently flowing brackish creeks and lagoons. Britain’s coastline provides over 5000 miles of varied habitats for a huge...

How Important Are Cultivating Herbs?

How Important Are Cultivating Herbs? Since no self-respecting modern cookbook leaves herbs out of its recipes, courses in herbal medicine are springing up all over...

Blue-ringed Octopus – World’s Most Venomous Marine Animals

Blue-ringed Octopus Species There are at least ten species of the tiny blue-ringed octopus, which, ironically for their size, are the deadliest of all cephalopods,...

The African violet (Saintpaulia Hybrids)

African violet has a great range of colors and forms. It is very easy to grow and they will flower continuously over a long...

Savi’s warbler (Locustella luscinioides)

Savi's warbler belongs to the grass warbler genus Locustella. It measures 13–14 cm long. Europe and the western Palearctic are its breeding grounds. A...