Trees & Plants

Western Rosella (Platycercus icterotis)

Western Rosella (Platycercus icterotis) or moyadong is a quiet and unobtrusive bird in contrast to most other Rosellas. This parrot is often overlooked as it shelters from the heat...

Mimosa pudica – The Shy Plants

Plants such as Mimosa pudica are also called sensitive plants, sleepy plants, action plants, touch-me-not, Shy Plants, and...

Swift Parrot “Lathamus discolor”

Swift Parrot is a tree-living bird and is usually seen in small parties feeding on blossoms among the...

Honey Hunting and Beekeeping

Ancient Honey Hunting and Beekeeping Honey would have been found in bees' nests high in the trees during early...

Asian Koel: Nature’s Musical Marvel

Family: The Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) is a member of the cuckoo family Cuculiformes in the genus Eudynamys. Habitat:...

A Rare Sight of Double Tree of Casorzo

A rare sight of a double tree of Casorzo growing atop another tree Of course, it's not a sight that you get to see...