Rheumatism – The Most Serious Threat to Health

The Greek word “rheuma” means swelling, which is what causes rheumatism. Health experts consider this disease to be one of the most serious threats. Despite its crippling effects, it rarely causes death. Pain and swelling of muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints are symptoms of rheumatism, an acute or chronic illness. Young and old, men and women, are affected by it.
The heart is often affected by this disorder, resulting in inflammation of its lining and values. This condition is typically followed by a valvular organic disease of the heart. Even though rheumatism can be easily diagnosed, no two individuals suffer from it the same way. In terms of its development, this disease has too many variations.
Rheumatism can be classified roughly into two types, depending on whether it is acute or chronic. There are two types of rheumatism: muscular rheumatism and articular rheumatism. Muscle-related types are, however, far less common than joint-related types. Children and young people are most commonly affected by the acute form, whereas adults are more commonly affected by the chronic form.
Rheumatism – The Most Serious Threat to Health. Photo Credit – cdc.gov


The symptoms of acute rheumatism include fever, rapid pulse, soreness, and intense pain. Those suffering from chronic muscular pain experience pain even from the weight of their bedclothes. There is swelling in the liver. It is extremely painful to suffer from acute rheumatism, but if it is treated properly, it does not leave permanent damage.
A chronic condition can develop if it is not treated correctly. Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain and stiffness in muscles throughout the body. When these muscles are moved, the pain increases. Rheumatism of the joints causes pain and stiffness, along with swelling most commonly associated with articular rheumatism. There is a danger of permanent deformity even though it is not usually fatal.


As a result of poor elimination and lowered vitality, rheumatism is primarily caused by acid wastes poisoning the blood. A large amount of acidic and toxic wastes are left in the body after eating meat, white bread, sugar, and refined cereals, to which modern man is most addicted.
Acid wastes cannot be neutralized when alkaline minerals salts are not present in the foods eaten. The result is acidosis, a condition in which the body is out of balance between acid and alkaline. Colds and fevers, for example, are ejected almost before they reach any appreciable concentration when there is abundant vitality.
During times of low vitality, acid wastes accumulate around the joints and bony structures, resulting in rheumatism. Lime, which is the most prominent constituent of the bone structure, is an alkaline substance, which is why large quantities of acid waste accumulate in the system and are attracted to the body structure for storage. Rheumatism may be caused by infections of the teeth, tonsils, and gall bladder. When exposed to cold water, the disease is aggravated.


Orange juice and water fasting should be followed for three or four days by patients with acute rheumatism. An enema of warm water should be performed while fasting to cleanse the bowels. A restricted diet should be followed for 14 days after the juice fast. Breakfast may consist of oranges or grapefruits, lunch may consist of a raw salad of any vegetable in season, accompanied by raisins, prunes, figs, or dates, and dinner may consist of one or two steamed vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, etc., along with nuts and sweet fruits.
Nevertheless, in order to reap the benefits of the diet, it is imperative not to consume any starchy foods such as bread or potatoes. Following this, the patient can start gradually eating a well-balanced diet that includes seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. For four or five days, patients with chronic rheumatism may be given an all-fruit diet. Fruits such as apples, grapes, peaches, pears, oranges, pineapples, and grapefruit should be eaten three times a day as part of this regimen. Following that, he can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet.
Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in abundance by the patient. Buttermilk should be consumed in large quantities. It is recommended to avoid meat, fish, white bread, sugar, refined cereals, rich, indigestible, and highly seasoned foods, tea, coffee, alcohol, sauces, pickles, and condiments.
The juice of raw potatoes is considered to be one of the best foods to treat rheumatism. The juice from raw potatoes should be taken before meals in the form of one or two teaspoonfuls. A rheumatoid condition will be relieved by this method.
Rheumatoid sufferers in some rural areas of Britain carry potatoes in their pockets, believing that the potato will absorb some of the body’s acids. New potatoes are replaced after a few days after the old ones are thrown away. Rheumatism can also be treated with the skin of potatoes. The skin contains an abundance of minerals, and boiling peelings in water is a natural remedy for disorders caused by too much acid in the body. After thorough washing, boil the potato peelings for a few minutes.
Once the decoction has been strained, a glassful should be taken three to four times a day. Rheumatism is also effectively treated with celery. It is more powerful to extract fluid from the seeds than to eat raw vegetables. As well as being tonic to the stomach, this has a tonic effect on the kidneys as well.
Moreover, it is recommended that five to ten drops of this fluid be taken in hot water before eating. In addition to being used as a condiment, seeds can also be ground into powder. Taking two or three lemons a day is also beneficial, and their juice may be taken two or three times a week. There are also other methods that are helpful in treating rheumatism, including the application of radiant heat and hot packs to the affected areas, a hot tub bath, a cabinet steam bath, dry friction, and a sponge bath.
When you suffer from chronic rheumatism, you should take hot Epsom salt baths twice a week for three months and then once a week after that. A hot bath containing Epsom salt should be taken twice daily after which olive oil should be applied to the affected parts. It is also beneficial to breathe fresh air, take deep breaths, and do light outdoor exercises. Cold and dampness should be avoided.
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