The benefits of Gotu Kola herb (Hydrocotyle asiatica) include relaxing and deepening your meditation, making your dreams more vivid, and improving your concentration. A positive effect of its antioxidant properties was also seen on the immune system.
It is a perennial plant that prefers partial shade. Asian countries such as Indonesia, India, Malaysia, New Guinea, etc., are home to this plant. Plant leaves grow larger as they are watered more often. It is a wonderful addition to salads and tastes similar to parsley and carrot. There is a pinkish-red color to the flowers. There is a smooth surface and a warty appearance to the fruit. About every three months, the plant is manually harvested.
Gotu Kola Herb
Gotu Kola Herb includes relaxing and deepening your meditation, making your dreams more vivid, and improving your concentration. A positive effect of its antioxidant properties was also seen on the immune system. Photo Credit – Healthline
You can improve your memory by eating Gotu Kola leaves regularly if you have trouble concentrating. You can enhance your dream life by drinking Gotu Kola tea before going to sleep. Two tablespoons of the dried leaves and roots should be added to two cups of boiling water and steeped for about ten minutes before straining. There will be a dramatic change in your dream life. Meditation will be more profound and deep if the root is burned as incense before you meditate.
Gotu Kola herb has been used extensively in both India and Fiji for treating skin inflammations, improving blood circulation, and treating bloating, congestion, and depression. It is said that Gotu Kola improves memory, helps with learning disabilities, and reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and senility when eaten every day.
The thyroid is energized by Gotu Kola, so it helps overcome tiredness and depression. A traditional belief held that eating two leaves a day would keep old age at bay. Poultices made from the leaves can also be used to treat open wounds.
Also, Gotu Kola herb may treat insomnia and other sleep disorders that sometimes accompany these conditions. Tuberculosis is treated and prevented with the antibiotic isoniazid, which is controlled by Gotu kola. Stretch marks can be reduced by Gotu kola, and it may prevent new stretch marks from forming, as well as heal existing stretch marks.

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