Creative Minds

Blueberries – A Super Fruit, Everyone Like to Grow

Blueberries are so healthy, highly rich in nutrition, and decrease the risk of colon cancer. It is excellent for brain power and decreases belly fat. The antioxidants in the...

Barberry (Berberis)-Popular Garden Specimens

The Barberry that grows wild in my neighborhood, “Berberis Vulgaris” is one of the first plants to leaf...

The Facts of Bald Eagle

Facts of Bald Eagle Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have long rounded wings, large hooked bills, sharp talons, and are...

Aquatic Warble “Acrocephalus paludicola”

Aquatic Warbler is medium size bird about 12.5 cm in length. It is skulking waterside warbler. Recalls Sedge...

Five Important Spices of Life

You are stressed out and the nasal congestion troubles you, and toothaches and indigestion plague the system. You...

Creative Activities For Adults at Home

Creative Activities For Adults at Home Creativity is the ability to produce new and original ideas, concepts, or products. It is often associated with the...

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Wedding Car Service

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Wedding Car Service When it comes to organizing a wedding, there is a multitude of decisions that need to...

How to Clean Your Solitaire Engagement Ring?

How to Clean Your Solitaire Engagement Ring? Imagine walking around with a dull-looking diamond engagement ring! Definitely, it doesn’t feel nice! Diamonds are the world's...

Rubber roofing: What you need to know

Rubber roofing has several applications, and the most common are low-sloped and flat roofs. You should note that traditional shingles are great when it...

How Important Is Mindfulness For Happiness?

Nowadays, we waste a great deal of time and money to feel happy. We turn to social media feeds to cure boredom and dissatisfaction....

5 Ways to Use Pastels in Your Home Interiors

Pastels in Your Home Interiors The human mind is extremely sensitive to colors that elicit strong emotions. While some colors evoke a relaxing environment, others...

Bring Creativity and Greenery to your Life with Magnapot

A lot of interesting products have emerged out of Kickstarter, and Magnapot is one of the latest to join their ranks. Magnapot is an...

Striking Bird Drawings by Brazilian Street Artist

Sometimes a street artist creates lovely Bird Drawings beyond the thoughts, similar to Brazilian artist Luis Seven Martins Aka L7m. He continues to produce...

Man Who Created Lush Green Forest Single Handily

This is really an inspirational story of an Indian man who has spent 40 years of his life, planting trees every day on a...

Artist Created Stylish Wood Sculptures from Discarded Tree Trunks and Branches

Artist Created Stylish Wood Sculptures from Discarded Tree Trunks and Branches. Jae-Hyo Lee a South Korean artist who lives in “Yangpyeong” with his artist...