Environments that Work: When discussing motivational techniques and putting the subject into perspective, it is essential to understand that motivation can only be effective in the right environment, whether it is for an individual, a team, or a group. As an example, a manager may introduce a competition or incentive program to motivate a team of people that may well be properly constructed. Incentives and motivational approaches will not be effective if the team is operating in an environment that is not conducive to a harmonious relationship, there is backbiting, mistrust, or an unhappy atmosphere.
To motivate yourself, you must look at your environment. Is it conducive to motivation? As a leader, is your environment conducive to motivating your employees? These considerations are described by Professor Hertzberg as ‘hygiene factors’. Let’s take office facilities as an example. How well does the equipment work? How hot or cold is the place? Does it look clean and tidy?
Lighting, fresh air, washrooms, and workspace are all important. How conducive is the work environment to efficient performance? Are there any other factors that are inhibiting performance? Do you and your team face real barriers to success? I’m not talking about excuses here – I’m talking about being realistic. You must challenge, remove and tackle realistic barriers, and you must also accept that excuses are a mindset.
It takes willful determination and leadership to change them. In order to manage and motivate others effectively, one must possess leadership skills or develop them. However, it is worth repeating even though it is common sense. A good example of a cliché I personally like is: People copy their peers, and leadership styles cannot be divorced from motivational results. The adage ‘lead by example’ has been passed down from generation to generation.

An individual who is motivated
Let’s now imagine what a motivated person looks like. The appearance of a person makes a lasting impression on us. In addition to having a smart outward appearance, motivated people will ensure that their hair is well maintained, their clothes are pressed and freshly laundered, and their shoes are spotless. In other words, the outward appearance of someone who takes care of themselves is indicative of their self-esteem. We had a very successful telephone sales team at one of my companies for a number of years.
A standard was set that required telesales people to wear smart clothes, have good haircuts, and wear make-up to work every day. We found that the success of the telesales team was directly related to their motivation. They produced more and achieved more sales success when they felt good about themselves. The dress code in many companies tends to be casual. It is understandable that casual approaches are preferred, but a balance must be achieved. The appearance of a person influences our opinions about them. People’s walking styles should also be taken into consideration.
He virtually decides whether he will hire someone by looking at the way they walk as they arrive for an interview from his office window. The employee who walks with speed and purpose is better than the one who slouches and has a lazy walk, he tells me. Does their step have a spring and their arms swing for propulsion, or do they amble along with their hands in their pockets? A person’s enthusiasm will be conveyed through their body language. When an individual smiles, sparks his or her eyes, and displays a positive facial expression, it is certain that they are motivated.
According to body language researchers, in this part of Europe, we can communicate using 40,000 words and sounds, but 4,000 of these words are used on a daily basis. While the number of body language signals conveyed only from the face can be as high as 15,000 most people are capable of controlling how they express themselves. Body language, since it consists of so many signals, will almost certainly convey the correct information whenever it is in conflict with spoken words.
The true feelings of someone who says they feel fine, but have a pained facial expression or stooped shoulders that clearly show the contrary, can be deduced by studying their facial expression, as well as their posture. What is the most effective way for a motivated person to communicate?
Are you enthusiastic?
People who are motivated talk about the future, and what they are doing or planning to do. Opportunities are recognized and turned into success by using the past as experience. Motivation brings a zest for life to a person, making them a pleasure to be around. An individual who is motivated is what one might call a positive individual. Having an attitude that is characterized by:
A positive attitude
Dedicated to a cause
Having high expectations
Consequently, energy is generated. Motivation seems to be abundant among motivated people. A busy person will be able to accomplish anything you need.
The reward equals the result
Last but not least, I would like to offer an explanation of motivation through Michael le Boeuf’s excellent book, “How To Motivate People” where he cites the greatest management principle in the world: You get more behavior when you reward it. Neither hope nor ask nor wish nor begging will bring you what you desire. When you reward something, you get it.
Therefore, the greatest management principle is to reward behaviors that are effective. Managers and leaders must ask themselves: What do they recognize and reward? In this section, we will discuss motivating the team, the group, and the individual in more detail. The wrong behavior will most likely be rewarded if you fail to reward it.
Keep a reminder in your pocket
All motivation is based on hope
What motivates you? What manipulates you? Differentiate between them
Determine what motivates an individual – attitude motivation or incentive motivation
Think about what motivates people with Wise Words.
There is a common misconception that success leads to vanity, egotism, and complacency. On the other hand, it makes them more tolerant, kind, and humble. The consequences of failure are harsh and bitter.
Are you enthusiastic? People who are motivated talk about the future, and what they are doing or planning to do. The appearance of a person makes a lasting impression on us. In addition to having a smart outward appearance. Photo Credit – Pexels