Grey Francolin Sound
Grey Francolin Sound is loud and high-pitched. It is normally found in open cultivated lands, scrub forests, and wild bush vegetation. In the sub-continent, it is famous for the name “teetar”. The grey francolin sound is a bit repeated, Kaa-teee-taar…teee-tarr, and is given by one or more birds.
Although, the popular term “teetar” can also refer to other quails and partridges,. In the breeding season, Grey Francolin sounds attract challengers, and traps were used to cage these birds, particularly for fighting. In India & Pakistan, his sound is known as “teetar ki awaz”. Here, listen to the sound of Grey Francolin.
Brief Description
If you’re a lover of francolin, then you may find it in the plains and drier parts of Asian continents. The grey francolin (Francolinus pondicerianus) is also called the grey partridge, but don’t be confused with the European grey partridge (Also known as English partridge, Hungarian partridge, or hun).
Interestingly, Grey Francolin has also been introduced to Nevada and Hawaii, along with several other species of francolin. Grey Francolin’s habits of eating different insects, seeds, grains, beetles, and termites seldomly prey on large snakes.
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