The Acid-Alkaline Connection
Your body has a pH level, just like a swimming pool. For you to become and remain lean and healthy, you must maintain a healthy pH level (potential for hydrogen). pH levels between 6.8 and 7.0 are considered balanced.
The pH of anything below 6.8 is considered acidic, while the pH of anything above 7.4 is considered to be overly alkaline. Cellular metabolism produces acid as a by-product. As long as it is produced in normal quantities, it poses no harm to the body and is excreted through exhalation. You can develop a variety of health problems if you consume too much acid due to poor dietary choices and excess stress:
Excessive fat gain
Free radical damage
Frequent infections and colds
Decreased antioxidant effectiveness
Nervousness and anxiety
Weakened immune system
Headaches and muscle pain
Heart disease
Joint pain and arthritis
Low physical and mental energy
Poor skin and hair