By Oliver Norman, Content Marketing Manager at EDGE Vaping
For most people, vaping probably seems like a very new phenomenon. In only a few years, we have gone from zero to 100, with vaping now appearing everywhere we look. The truth is, while vaping has been at its fastest growth in recent years, it’s actually been around for a lot longer.
Would you believe the very first design for an ‘e-cigarette’ was patented in the 1920s? Only for it to be shelved until much later in history. Ever heard of the ‘Father of Vaping?’ That’s a whole other story! If you’re curious about where it all began, and how it got to the stage we are at today, the UK’s number one vaping brand EDGE Vaping has pulled together the short version for you!
Where it all began
Over 200 years ago, as early as 1798, contemporary healthcare professionals in the Americas were raising the issues around smoking and health. Dr. Benjamin Rush was one of the loudest voices. He compiled essays detailing the collected experiences of a number of different users of tobacco, be it chewed, snuffed, or smoked in a pipe or cigar. In these essays, he attempts to rationalize the symptoms the patients are experiencing by highlighting the link to their tobacco use.
A vaping device was first conceptualized as early as 1927 when a patent was officially filed by Joseph Robinson for one of the first vape-style devices ever conceived. It is common knowledge at this point in history that smoking cigarettes comes part and parcel with a wide range of negative health impacts, with most people understanding that these dangers were only made publicly apparent with the development of more advanced technology and healthcare practices.
In considering the pernicious effects of tobacco, I shall begin agreeably to the order I have laid down, by taking notice of its influence upon health; and here I shall mention its effects not only upon the body but upon the mind.
It impairs the appetite.
I once lost a young man 17 years of age, of pulmonary consumption, whose disorder was brought on by the intemperate use of cigars.
It produces many of those diseases which are supposed to be seated in the nerves.
A citizen of Philadelphia lost all his teeth by drawing the hot smoke of Tobacco into his mouth by means of a short pipe, and I have been informed of cancer on the lip, which terminated fatally from the same cause.
Tobacco when used in the form of snuff seldom fails of impairing the voice by obstructing the nose. It moreover imparts to the complexion a disagreeable dusky color.