
Pingualuit Crater – Well-Preserved Circular Meteorite Crater

In the far north of Quebec, a province in Canada lies an excellent natural wonder a circular lake of blue waters confined within the walls of an ancient but...

The Golden Plover – A Bird Can Fly 4800 km Non-Stop

The Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva) is a medium-sized plover, and it is believed that golden plovers flocked...

Spruce – An Evergreen Symmetrical Spire Shape Tree

Spruces or Picea, are tall, fast-growing evergreen trees with symmetrical spire shapes. You can distinguish them from the...

Peregrine Falcon Call

CALL/VOICE/SOUNDS Peregrine Falcon call is usually silent except near the nest, where the most frequent call is a loud,...

Spotted Quail-thrush (Cinclosoma punctatum)

The spotted quail-thrush (Cinclosoma punctatum) is the largest and plumpest quail-thrush. This is the only one of its...

Pancuran Tujuh Springs, Java

Pancuran Tujuh is a hot spring located on the slopes of Mount Slamet in Baturraden District, Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia. Pancuran Tujuh hot spring...

Jabal al-Lawz: The Natural Wonder of Saudi Arabia’s Almond Mountain

A noteable peak named “Jabal al-Lawz,” situated in the northwestern region of Saudi Arabia, close to the border with Jordan above the Gulf of...

Rainbow Cave of Hormuz Island: A Natural Masterpiece in Iran

If you are fond of nature colors, then Rainbow Cave is the perfect place to fulfill your dream. Rainbow Cave is nestled on Hormuz...

Mesmerizing Seven Pillars of Wisdom Rock Formation

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom are a rare rock formation that leans haphazardly against each other. In front of the highest pillar, it gradually...

Mount Bokty: Kazakhstan’s Stunning Natural Wonder

If you are in Kazakhstan, don’t miss out to see the iconic sight of Mount Bokty near the famous Bozzhyra Canyon on the Ustyurt...

The Spectacular Glass Beach of Ussuri Bay

There is a 30 mins drive away from the city of Vladivostok, Russia lies a spectacular bay surrounded by remarkable cliffs. Though it has...

Turkish Hotel Antakya Built Above 2,300-Year-Old Ancient Ruins

An astonishing new extravagance Turkish Hotel Antakya opened in 2020. Amazingly it is at once an engineering wonder, an architectural attractiveness, and a world-class...

TOP 10 Destinations to See in Al Ain

TOP 10 Destinations to See in Al Ain The dignified desert city of Al Ain is a complete change of scenery and greenery. Al Ain...

The Fascinating Chocolate Hills of Bohol Philippines

Bohol is the focal island of Bohol Province and the 10th largest island of the Philippine archipelago. You’ll observe that Bohol is a tropical...

The Mesmerizing Colors of Hormuz Island

Four seasons are a great blessing of God, and Iran is one of the lucky countries to have all seasons. The colors of Hormuz...