Dental Problems

Double-barred Finch: A Feathered Jewel of Australia

Double-barred finch (Stizoptera bichenovii) is widespread in the better-watered grassy woodlands of northern and eastern Australia. It is also known as Black-rumped Double-bar, Banded Finch, Bicheno Finch, Black-ringed Finch,...

The Breathtaking Real Life of Svetloe Lake in Serbia

The real-life Svetloe Lake is located near Urozhainoe village which means “Prolific” in Siberia. It is also known...

Scaly-bellied woodpecker (Picus squamatus)

The Scaly-bellied Woodpecker (Picus squamatus) is a species of bird belonging to the family Picidae. Its main range...

Northern Scrub-robin (Drymodes superciliaris)

Throughout the Cape York Peninsula and the hills of New Guinea, the Northern Scrub-robin inhabits the vine-hung rainforest....

The Aging Cat

AGING CAT The average life expectancy of well-cared-for cats is 14 or 15 years, with some occasionally reaching 20...

The Natural Teeth Whitening

Now that you’ve seen the cost of both over-the-counter and professional teeth whitening procedures! That is get ready to see the wonderful comparison of...

Do you have Crooked Teeth? Actions to Take

Do you have Crooked Teeth? Actions to Take? Hmmm, do not panic if you notice that your teeth are crooked, overcrowded, or under-crowded. Braces...

Teeth Gums and Anti-Scorbutic Vitamins

Teeth Gums and Anti-Scorbutic Vitamins. Seafarers were notorious for contracting scurvy. It was caused by sailors subsisting on dried foods like hard tack during...

How to Stop Teeth Grinding at Night?

People are often looking for answers on Google on how to stop teeth grinding at night when they are stressed out or in anxiety...

Best Ways to Remineralize Your Child Tooth Decay

Child Tooth Decay Symptoms of child tooth decay are only addressed by dental treatments. Children are not designed for these treatments, nor have they been...

Breastfeeding and Cavities

Breastfeeding and cavities is the most common question, nursing mothers ask. The nutrients in breast milk prevent tooth decay, so nighttime nursing does not...

Can Pregnancy Cause Cavities?

Can pregnancy cause cavities? It's very imperative for any woman to be aware of cavities so that she can take the precautionary steps to...

The Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Is It Worth the Expense?

Wisdom tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure many go through, especially during their late teenage years or early adulthood. If you're in Singapore...

The Hidden Dangers of Focal Infections: What You Need to Know

Focal infections in one part of the body can travel to another part of the body. This is the focal infection theory. It involves...

How to avoid braces in Orthodontics?

How to avoid braces in orthodontics - For the middle and upper classes in the US, braces seem almost like a rite of passage. The...