
World’s Most Beautiful Bird Resplendent Quetzal

The Resplendent Quetzal is considered the world's most beautiful bird. It is mostly found in vibrantly colored living in the mountainous, tropical forests of Central America. The bird prefers...

Grow Morning Glory and Moon Flower Together

The Morning Glory and Moon flower are both members of the family Ipomoea and are close relatives of...

Eastern phoebe Song

The Eastern Phoebe song is a raspy, two-part sound that gives them their name: "fee-bee." It lasts about...

Satin Flycatcher (Myiagra cyanoleuca)

Behavior & Habitats: Satin Flycatcher (Myiagra cyanoleuca) is darker, larger, and longer-tailed than the similar-looking Leaden Flycatcher (Myiagra rubecula)....

Fascinating Facts About Bumblebees: Everything You Need to Know

11 Interesting Facts About Bumblebees You Would Love to Know Bzzzzz! Attention all nature enthusiasts and bee lovers! Today,...

Lily Flower Information: Discover the Breathtaking Beauty in Every Shape and Color

Lily flower information you should know before planting it. These are the true lilies as opposed to the daylilies described in this article which...

Moraea Villosa: The Stunning ‘Eye Flower’ You Need in Your Garden

The beautiful Moraea Villosa is a species of peacock moraea. It is normally a group of plants named for the large conspicuous eye-shaped patterns...

Mesmerizing Photography of Freezing Flowers

Mesmerizing Photography of Freezing Flowers. Some ideas are unique when photographer Mo Devlin takes an interesting approach to Freezing Flowers photography.  By freezing his...

How to Grow Most Showy Hybrids Ranunculus

Ranunculus is a large genus of about 600 species of plants in the "Ranunculaceae". The genus members include the buttercups, spearworts, and water crowfoots....

Campanula Flowers are the Secret to a Dreamy Pastel Garden

Bellflower is also called Campanula, whatever kind of flower garden you have; there is a bellflower for you. A gardener's dream come true is...

Larkspur: A Delicate Long Lasting Cut Flower

Larkspur known scientifically as Delphinium is a delicate long-lasting cut flower.  If you love delphiniums but don’t have the patience it takes to grow...

Gas Plant ‘Dictamnus albus’: The Alluring Plant That Can Ignite Fire!

The gas plant “dictamnus albus” is a flowering plant species belonging to the Rutaceae family. It is also called a burning bush, dittany, or gas...

Petunia Petals Hiding Secret Universes Inside Them

Petunia petals have many different patterns, colors, shapes, and sizes; it's not unusual to gaze upon a strange plant and realize that it reminds...

Diphylleia grayi Flowers Turns into Skeleton in Rain

Have you ever heard about flowers turning into skeletons in the rain? The Diphylleia grayi is an astonishing flower with white petals that turn...

Thick Fleshy Leaves Creeping Sedums Plants

Sedums, also known as stonecrops,  are succulents with thick, fleshy leaves filled with water. There are an enormous number of them, most of which...