Trees & Plants

Xantus’s Hummingbird (Basilinna xantusii)

DESCRIPTION:- Xantus’s Hummingbird (Basilinna xantusii) species are very closely related to White-eared hummingbirds. It shows considerable similarity to the mountain gems (genus Lampornis) and is sometimes placed separately in...

The Rhinoceros Hornbill Facts

Rhinoceros Hornbill Facts Life - A rhinoceros hornbill can live up to 30 to 35 years. The colorful Rhinoceros...

Magnolia Tree – A Handsome Ornamental Tree

The magnolias are handsome ornamental trees. The Magnolia Tree with its showy flowers, its dark green leaves, and...

Fawn-breasted Bowerbird (Chlamydera cerviniventris)

Habitat: The fawn-breasted bowerbird (Chlamydera cerviniventris) is widespread through Papua New Guinea's savannas and restricted in Australia to...

The Puzzling Phenomenon of Bleeding Tooth Fungus

Bleeding Tooth Fungus (Hydnellum Peckii) is a type of mushroom that is commonly found in North America, Europe,...

Maples Leaf (Acer), Grow Nature’s Most Favorite Tree

Well, everyone knows what a Maples Leaf looks like, right? It is the leaf on the Canadian flags as well, the one that lends...

Linden Tree – Tall, Fast Growing Dense Shade Tree

Linden Tree is tall and fast-growing, with an attractive, dense shape. They are used as shade trees and often as street trees. They bear...

Hyperion ! World’s Tallest Knowing Living Tree

Hyperion is the name of a coast redwood (Sequoia Sempervirens) in Northern California. It was measured at 115.61 metres (379.3 feet). Which ranks it...

Yareta – A 3000 Years Old Alien-looking Plant

Yareta is a green and alien-looking growing plant in South America. On first inspection, you might consider that it is an extraterrestrial species. That...

3,000 Years Old Olive Tree Still Produces Olives

There are certain species of olive tree, which has an incredibly long life span. A certain elegance can be found in olive plants due...

Monkey Tail Cactus: Growth Rate, Care, and Propagation

Monkey Tail Cactus Monkey Tail Cactus (Hildewintera colademononis) is an attractive, and low-maintenance plant that might be just what you need to add to your...

Wildlife Values of Conservation Trees and Shrubs

Wildlife Values of Conservation Trees and Shrubs SHRUBS CARAGANA (SIBERIAN PEASHRUB) (Caragana arborescens): Used for nesting by several songbirds and the seeds are occasionally eaten. Not a...

World’s Oldest Individual Clonal Tree Discovered in Sweden

It is believed that the World’s Oldest Individual Clonal Tree is one of the longest-living organisms on earth, and this disheveled spruce is no...

How to do Tabebuia Tree Care

Tabebuia Tree Care The Tabebuia tree is commonly known as the golden trumpet tree. It is semi-evergreen or semi-deciduous shedding foliage for a short period...

1,400-Year-Old Ginkgo Tree Still Sheds Golden Leaves

Once a year, this majestic 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree showcases a remarkable transition into fall, and its countless leaves change into a radiant shade of...