The British Redwing ‘’Turdus iliacus” is a winter bird, and only very few pairs nest in the UK. The British breeding population of redwing is usually confined to northern...
The ancient plants known as Giant Groundsels (Dendrosenecio kilimanjari) are located atop Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. They arose at altitudes above 14,000 feet around...
Ferns “Many Genera” give a better softening effect to an indoor environment, which makes them good houseplants. Many people are familiar with that old...
Grandidier’s Baobab Tree is the biggest and most re-known of Madagascar’s species of Baobabs. It is also known as “Adansonia Grandidieri”, actually an imposing...
The American basswood tree is native to eastern North America. The species is found from southeast Manitoba to New Brunswick, south to south Carolina,...
Spruces or Picea, are tall, fast-growing evergreen trees with symmetrical spire shapes. You can distinguish them from the fir. They resemble each other in...