It’d be really curious to see the Israel Egypt border from space, which is a difference in shades of the terrain in unrefined areas, as the result of overgrazing on the Egyptian side of the border. The barrier refers to a border barrier actually built by Israel along sections of its border with Egypt.
It was actually an attempt to control the arrival of illegal migrants from African countries. Though increased insurgent movement across the southern border in 2011, then Israel decides to upgrade the steel barrier project also installing cameras, radar, and motion detectors.
The barrier construction was completed in its main section in Jan 2013. Then the final section of the fence was completed in December 2013. The 245-mile barrier took 3 years to construct, with an estimated cost of NIS 1.6 Billion, making it one of the largest projects in Israel’s history.
Later on, a number of countries including the United States, and India adopt this border technology, and some of these countries may implement these technologies as part of their own border barriers. Moreover, the smuggling of cigarettes and notorious drugs often carried on camels by Bedouins whose tribal lands straddle the border, has been a long-term problem.
Thousands of people try to cross barriers to enter Israel every year, mainly because of economic growth. The barrier was originally planned in response to control illegal migrants who successfully entered Israel across the border, mainly smuggling different things, and sometimes they lost their lives in this process.
The fence has two layers of fencing, one with barbed wire, and the barrier structure includes the installation of progressive surveillance equipment. Eventually, the whole border will be sealed. Though Egypt has no objection until fence construction is built on Israeli Soil.
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