Butterfly Valley Fethiye Turkey

Butterfly Valley is located about 15 kilometers south of Ölüdeniz and 30 kilometers south of Fethiye. The Butterfly...

The Magical Blue-throated Barbet

The Magical Blue-throated Barbet is an Asian barbet with bright green, blue, and red plumage, seen across India,...

Nile Valley, Geological Evolution

Nile Valley, Geological Evolution Nile River (6670km) stretches across 34 degrees of latitude, from two degrees south of the equator to 32 degrees north, at its delta's tip. Lake Tana,...

11 Reasons Why Africa is Worth Visiting

Africa's exceptional natural resources, including its renowned wildlife, snow-capped mountains, waterfalls, rapids, gorgeous forests, rare bird populations, immaculate beaches, and coral reefs, are of immeasurable worth. Some of the best-known...

Painted Honeyeater (Grantiella picta)

The painted honeyeater (Grantiella picta) plumaged is contrasting black, white, and yellow. It feeds almost exclusively on the...

Clivia miniata – A Prettier Indoor Plant

Clivia miniata, also called “Kaffir lily” grows from a thickly rooted bulb. It is a species of flowering...

Coral Reef Destruction: How Human Activities Are Threatening Ocean Life

The coral reef destruction is badly impacted due to human activities. Reefs are very fragile underwater ecosystems and...

Grass Owl (Tyto capensis)

Habitat: Grass owls live in large flocks and hunt small nocturnal ground mammals at night, similar to barn...

What Are Energy-Efficient Houses?

Energy-Efficient Houses We live in a time in which more...

Astronomical Watch Displays Our Solar System Orbiting the Sun

Astronomical Watch Displays Our Solar System Orbiting the Sun....


Birds World

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Into The Atmosphere – Time-lapse Video of Nature

Into The Atmosphere - Time-lapse Video of Nature. This...

How to Choose the Best Mini Trampoline for Your Kids?

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The Inseparable Tiger and Lion Cubs Snuggling up to Bunnies

In the Japanese zoo, a pair of newborn cubs...

Effects of High Cholesterol Levels on Your Body

High cholesterol levels are a sign that the body...

Stunning Autumn Landscape of UK

Autumn Landscape of UK - It is simply incredible...

Eastern Ground Parrot (Pezoporus wallicus)

Habitats: There is a species of Eastern Ground Parrot...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Fresh Pomegranate

Fresh pomegranate is very important to the human body....

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100 Years old Unique Negatives Preserved in an ice block

100 years old Unique Negatives Preserved in an ice...

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning The high pace...

Mint or Mentha is Strong Flavoring Herb

Mint, or mentha, is such a powerful flavoring that...

Health Benefits of Indoor Plants – How Greenery Can Improve Your Health and Well-Being

Health Benefits of Indoor Plants: How Greenery Can Improve...

Health & Fitness

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Foods & Nutriation

Benefits of Soursop Fruits

Benefits of Soursop Fruits. Soursop, also known as guanabana, is...

Cranberries Get You Bogged Down

In flood-irrigated fields between Port Orford and 10 miles...

Horned Melon and its Benefits

Horned Melon and its Benefits The horned melon, also known...

Pineapples: The Versatile Tropical Fruit Delight You Need to Try

Description: Pineapples are a tropical fruit that grows on a...

Your Guide To Healthy Living in College

Healthy Living in College As a college student, between classes,...

Amazing & Incredible

Saudi Arabia Highway 10: World’s Longest Straight Road

Saudi Arabia's Highway 10 holds the amazing distinction of...

Pink Dolphin: The Mythical Looking Creature

Have you ever see a Pink Dolphin? Probably your...

A Rare 2,000 Years Old Collection of Coins Discovered in Mohenjo Daro

A Rare 2,000-Year-Old Collection of Coins Discovered in Mohenjo...

Orazio Vecchi 1551-1605

Orazio Vecchi (vek'-ke) was born in Modena (Italia). He...


Most Dismissals in a Single one-day Tournament

Australian dashing wicketkeeper-batsman Adam Gilchrist leads the way by...

Test Match Debut Under his Brother Captaincy

Test Match Debut Under his Brother Captaincy. Zimbabwe slow...

Oldest Man to Make His ODI Debut For a Test-playing Country?

England left-arm spinner Norman Gifford was 44 years old...

8 Common Golf Stance Mistakes Beginners Make (And How to Fix Them)

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Jeff Borowiak: The Unsung Hero of 1970s Tennis

Jeff Borowiak born on September 25, 1949, in Berkeley,...





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Pale-yellow Robin – Mesmerizing Sedentary Bird of Rain forest

Habitats: Pale-yellow Robin (Tregellasia capito) habitats are located along the central and northeast coasts of Australia in upland subtropical rain forests. The species perches...

Sad Story of Stuckie The Mummified Dog

Sad Story of Stuckie The Mummified Dog. More than 50 years ago a dog went up a tree chasing a raccoon or perhaps for...

Exploring Portugal on Foot: A Hiker’s Paradise

Exploring Portugal on Foot: A Hiker's Paradise Despite its compact size, Portugal brims with diverse landscapes and breathtaking vistas that make every step of the...

Cheltenham Badlands in Caledon, Ontario

here is an area in Caledon, referred to as the Cheltenham Badlands. This 0.4 square kilometer area is characterized by barren, windswept red hills...

Cool Facts about Owl Rock Peak in Kayenta Arizona

Cool Facts about Owl Rock Peak in Kayenta Arizona There is a 6,547-foot high sandstone summit called Owl Rock located south of Monument Valley,...

Tenoumer Crater: An Enigmatic Impact Place in Mauritania

There is an astonishing geological formation in the middle of the desolate and arid region of the western Sahara Desert called Tenoumer Crater. The...

Grey Shrike-thrush (Colluricincla harmonica)

Family: The Grey Shrike-thrush (Colluricincla harmonica) is a well-named harmonica in the world. It belongs to the family Pachycephalidae. Alternative Names: It is also known...

List of Herbs and Spices you need to know

List of Herbs and Spices you need to know Following is the important List of Herbs and Spices you need to know in your daily...

Rare Brown Bear Seen in Spain after 150 Years

In many countries and other regions in the world, for the past one and a half centuries, the Rare Brown Bear was last seen...

Honeysuckle – Uses, Identification, Cultivation, and Prescription

Description Honeysuckle is very much a plant of Northern Europe, including Britain; honeysuckle can also be found growing wild in North Africa and Western...

The Golden Plover – A Bird Can Fly 4800 km Non-Stop

The Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva) is a medium-sized plover, and it is believed that golden plovers flocked when rain was imminent.  The Pacific...

Blue-winged Parrot (Neophema chrysostoma)

It is still unclear how blue-winged parrots or blue-banded grass parakeets migrate. Blue-winged parrots are about 210 mm long, including a narrow, tapered tail....

Turquoise Parrot (Neophema pulchella)

Description: Turquoise Parrot (Neophema pulchella) was once widespread as it is today but now occurs only in scattered areas. With their small size, playful nature,...

Agathla Peak – A Sacred Eroded Volcanic Plug

Agathla Peak or Agathlan is a peak located south of Monument Valley, Arizona. The mountain rises more than 1500 feet above the surrounding terrain....

The Growth of a Coral

The growth of a coral is no sphere of the ocean world in which the interaction between animal and environment is so well displayed...

